You're probably wondering why I would opt for a lighter nail polish after I just gave that long diatribe about how dark nail polish is totally appropriate for work and can be very cute. Well here's the reason: In a job interview you want your interviewer to be concentrating on what you are saying and on your skills at communicating and on your experience in the job area. You do not want them wondering "wow, she really has dark nail polish on," because every time you move your hands your dark nail polish will draw their eye to your finger nails. This is fine and all in other situations but it's like the reason you don't show lots of cleavage at a job interview. You don't want to pose distractions.
There are a few exceptions. One: if you love dark nail polish and you wear it all the time and you absolutely refuse to wear anything else, then by all means wear it to the interview. You are not being yourself if you don't. And being yourself in an interview is more important than the distractions. A second exception is if the polish suits the job. Some restaurants nowadays esp. themed restaurants are hiring wait staff with tatoos and piercings, multi-colored hair, etc. dark nail polish included. Or perhaps a designer type job. You're use of a bold color could show that you aren't afraid to put yourself out there.
The important thing is to research the company you are interviewing for to see what they may be looking for and then plan accordingly. If you are unsure, conservative is always the better choice.
Note: Conservative can still be fun. Notice the sparkly nail polish I chose for tomorrow!!!