"Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways."
Oscar Wilde

December 6, 2010

Black, black, black is the color

Not of my true love's hair, but of my nails!!!!

This is one of my oldest nail polishes.  I put it on Saturday and as you can see it's already flaking.  I bought this back before black nail polish was THE color to wear.  Which, if you remember, was a few years ago, so this nail polish is OLD!  I think it may have been during my "I'm a pre-teen and I do what want!" phase around the same time I got blue lipstick.  Yes, that is right, Blue lipstick.  Anyway, I probably should buy a new one.  It's nice to have a good black nail polish on hand; it's like an edgier form of classy.  And this one is definitely losing it's quality (I don't think it had much to start with).  But it works in case I need it, for there are many other colors out there that I would like to have other than black.

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